Investec Asset Management launches out of the ordinary site
16th October 2013

Box UK works with global finance institution to evolve client-facing site into a central touch-point for communication and discovery.

Making Wales an ‘Agile-Digital nation’
8th October 2013

Box UK representative co-chairs group tasked with producing a revolutionary new report on ICT education.

Corporate Engagement Awards
28th August 2013

The software development consultancy is honoured for its work strengthening links between industry and education.

Box UK and Sitecore
11th June 2013

Box UK cement strategic relationship with award-winning software provider through expansion of their Sitecore-certified development team.

Communicator Award Careers Wales
10th May 2013

Digital specialists recognised with Silver Award of Distinction by international awards programme for work on the innovative Careers Wales website.

Welsh Government steering group
11th January 2013

Box UK uses industry experience and insight to help identify recommendations for improvements in ICT teaching across Wales.

Global Finance TBC Bank
7th August 2012

TBC Bank named as Georgia’s best consumer and corporate internet bank as part of international online finance competition.

Econsultancy Highly Commended
25th February 2012

UI Sketcher, Box UK's application for the iPad, has won Highly Commended at the Econsultancy Innovation Awards 2011.

“Project Team of the Year” medallists
22nd November 2011

Prestigious institution recognises Box UK’s team for work on World Vision’s Microloans project, in ceremony on 10th November.

ISO Quality Management Certification
7th October 2011

Box UK earns ISO 9001:2008 Certification for the design, development and implementation of Internet software solutions.