April 6, 2018
When digital channels play a critical role in delivering information and services to your users, it’s vital that they’re as useful, usable and accessible as possible. So how can you ensure your users can find what they need quickly and easily – particularly if you’re dealing with large amounts of complex content?
This breakfast meetup provided attendees with the chance to hear directly from two organisations that have done exactly that, featuring talks from both the RCN and BMJ, who have transformed what were under-performing services into ones that users now rave about.
If you want to learn more about their stories, you can download the presentation slides below – and if there’s anything you’re interested in discussing further, get in touch with us by emailing events@boxuk.com.
Download “The RCN, development of a user driven digital platform”
When the Royal College of Nursing needed a modern new website as part of a wider programme of digital transformation, they turned to Box UK to define, design and develop a sophisticated solution that would support their goals.
Transforming the RCN digital experience from a passive information resource into a dynamic, integrated and real-time network of engaged care and nursing professionals, the website we delivered has gained praise from members, stakeholders, and international awards bodies alike.
Across the globe, over 100,000 medical professionals rely on the information delivered through the British Medical Journal’s Best Practice mobile app to inform their clinical decision-making.
Keeping speed and accessibility front-of-mind, we rebuilt both iOS and Android versions of the app from the ground up – reducing the time to download it and its contents by 70% and reducing storage by 60%, as well as making the experience of finding relevant information intuitive, fluid and fast.